Q: Free Shipping within the continental US?

Yes, Free Shipping! (Lower 48 States)

Q: Are there any hidden fees?

Absolutely not. There are no hidden fees, such as: packing, processing, etc.

Q: Is there a minimum order amount?

No, there is no minimum order amount.

Q: Will my order ship right away?

Yes (unless otherwise specified), if an item isn’t available our system will not let you order it.


Q: How are your items shipped and where are they left?


A: We ship our products via FedEx Ground. Items are left outside your front door or where packages are typically left.


Furniture Specific


Q: How long has Woodwaves been around?

Woodwaves was established in 1994, however, we have been designing furniture for over 40 years.

Q: Will you ever offer other matching items to your furnishings?

We may design other items such as matching coffee tables, side tables, and media storage cabinets in the near future.

Q: What's the best way to care of my new furniture?

Our furnishings are made from real wood, so keeping them dusted and polished will keep them looking beautiful for years.

Q: Are there any paper or plastic laminates on your furniture?

 Our handcrafted furnishings are made from real wood solids and genuine veneers with the exception as some items such as our Cardiff stand which uses laminates with lacquer. 

Tambour Specific

Q: What type of backing is on your tambour?

We use our latex-impregnated Tuff Back material.

Q: How is the tambour backing applied?

It is laminated with our special moisture resistant hot melt at 500°F.

Q: I am outside of the continental US (Lower 48 States); what will shipping cost?

Contact us and we will find the best rate possible.

Q: Is your tambour solid wood or veneer?

All of our tambour is solid wood.

Q: Do you use red oak or white oak?

We use red oak.

Q: Can I paint your tambour instead of staining it?

It is O.K. to paint the panels with Latex, Lacquers or Enamels as long as you don’t flood the paint on. It is best to give it light coats with a brush or spray standing up as opposed to laying panels down to avoid moisture or solvents attacking the adhesion glue on the backer.

Q: Since the tambour will flex when opening/closing, does this tend to crack the paint at the joints?

You should not notice this if it doesn’t have excessive layers of paint. We recommend bending the panels slightly to get color into the slat joints so white shadows don’t show when the panels are flexed.

Q: What size grooves do I route for tambour tracks?

Route 3/8" wide grooves for our 5/16" tambour and 1/4" wide grooves for our 3/16" tambour.

Q: How deep should the track grooves be?

Track grooves should be about 7/16" deep.

Q: Can I cut across the tambour slats to shorten them?

Yes, you can cut across the slats to your specifications and it will not weaken the tambour.

Q: Can I remove extra slats?

Yes, you can remove slats by standing the panel up on its side, folding between the two slats, and carefully run a utility knife down.

Q: What corner radius should I route for a tambour track?

A corner radius of 2" is recommended to prevent binding. Smaller radiuses should be tested on scrap wood to make sure panel doesn’t bind. The wider the radius the smoother the flow.